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Meet the Staff: Shelly Garland


Updated: Nov 26, 2020

The mission of the Caldwell Public Library is to "provide services and information to connect, enrich, and inspire our community." Library staff strive to provide the best possible experience for our users - both in-person and online. We understand the importance of building trust with our users and helping them find the resources they need. Over the next several months, we will highlight each of our staff members and the work they do to provide excellent library services to you - our users.

Photo of Shelly

Hi there. My name is Shelly, and I am the latest face to the staff of Caldwell Public Library. My job title is Technology Assistant, and assisting people with all facets of technology is what I do. Prior to working at CPL, I was a web/software developer for a school district in California, but I took an extended break to raise my kids. During my time as a stay at home mom, I became involved in community organizations which allowed me to flex my IT skills for a cause.

I love being a technology assistant because this position allows me to be involved in every aspect of Information Technology at the library. At various times, you can find me involved in one-to-one tech appointments, 3D printing, Mobile MakerSpace, or hardware/software research and development (i.e. sitting in front of a computer in the recesses of the library).

If I still have your attention and you are still interested, I love information. My favorite authors (for the time being) are Charles Bukowski, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Christopher Moore, and Anthony Bourdain. My IT influences are my father, my husband, and Bob Bemer. You can always ask me about my favorite passions aside from reading and IT which include music, baking, cooking, watercolor/oil painting, printmaking, sewing, and other fiber arts.

Assist technology?

I think that should be reversed.

Tech’s the assistant.

-Chris Ferguson


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